Lost in Translation
This movie was actually pretty good. It gives you some insight as to the struggles of being an actor but not just that but the struggles of age. Also the challenge of Jealousy and the curses of attratction and lust. All in all it was a really good movie.
Barton Fink
Another Beautiful film from the Coen brothers. This film at times shows a literal analogy for the struggles that writers endue. But partially characters in the film act as aspects of the writing world. I would like to believe that John Goodman represent the American people shooting everything down. Handcuffing Writers into writing what they want.
John Dies at the End
The amazing underground comedy from the book of the same name. It was a crazy story that has millions of layers and cant be defined by any one word. The craziest movie i have ever seen in my life for sure. Worth the watch.
Color Me Kubrick
A weird story about a man who conned people into believing he was stanley kubrick. It was very awkward due to the main character's homosexuality. It contained very overdramatized scenes. I like John malkovich and this was an interesting story but the movie itself wasn't very good.
The Evil Dead
A very weird movie but a good one at that. I didn't like the excessive blood or the tree rape scene. (Dont ask if you havent seen it.) It was an okay movie. Not too great.
Jackie Brown
This movie was an okay movie but it didn't really seem like a Tarentino movie. It kind of made me sad to see this speed bump in Tarentino's career.
The Inbetweeners Movie
This movie was a funny movie about some nerdy british guys who go on vacation or as they call it "Holiday" It was okay but it wasn't that funny. I don't really watch movies like this often and this is one of the reasons why.
Struck by Lightning
Really not that great of a movie it was bad. More of a time waster than a movie. Full of stupid high school stereotypes. I wish these movies never existed.
Punch-Drunk Love
Have you ever watched a movie and then hoped that there were movies out there just like it. If there ever was a movie like that it would be this one. Just a love story but not a normal one. One that's similar to superman in small weird ways. The symbolism in this movie really shines. The movies where i have to stop and think for thirty minutes after i watch them. THOSE ARE THE GOOD ONES. Adam Sandler plays his role very well.
This Film is not yet Rated
This amazingly good documentary portraying the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) as biased was a wild ride. I really enjoyed it.
Yet another documentary about movie censorship. I know. But this one was even better! It was so good. It was a movie about the store Cleanflix. A store that rents clean versions of hollywood hits out to mormons. What a beautiful concept and it makes for a great movie.
Two reasons i watched this. Reason 1: I figured it wouldbe a little funny. Reason 2: Isla Fisher is drop dead gorgeous. Thats good enough for me.
The Giant Mechanical Man
I just figured... Errr why not? It turned out to be a really good movie. Topher Grace plays a hilarious character that i would never expect him to play. Jenna Fischer is superb. Great movie.
At this point i was just bored. I had nothing else to watch and I decided to watch another Girly movie. Why not?
Raising Arizona
Now I was scared. I had watched 3 chick flicks in a row so i decided to go back to the Coen brothers. I recently had attmepted to watch the movie but it was pretty dumb and i didn't want to watch it. After my brief visitation with Barton Fink, i decided it wouldn't be that bad of an idea to watch it. I was pretty dissapointed. It isn't that good of a movie. It has a funny part here or there but mostly it is stupid corny redneck jokes.
I tried to wash my pain away with more comedy and i was less dissapointed with this movie. It was a hockey movie with a twist. It isn't about hockey. It's about the fights that happen in the middle of hockey games. It wasn't that funny but it had it's moments.
Nitro Circus: The Movie
As a fan of the show. I really enjoyed this movie. I enjoyed all the stunts, I enjoyed the reckless behavior, I enjoyed Streetbike Tommy resenting his job then completing the stunt and looking awesome while doing it, and last but not least I enjoyed Travis "Pastrami" Pastrana (don't act like you werent thinking it) showing everyone up.
Man of Steel
This movie was actually pretty average. Not great. Not bad. I don't want to rant about it but if you have the chance watch a different movie.
I don't really understand the appeal to this movie. It was okay but I didn't like seeing the characters in this state of abuse. With thier bodies.
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